。。。。。。Super Mary

There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are

There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you


#jjseason插画# #时尚##season插画# ---她是华语乐坛live天后,也是《我是歌手》舞台上最耀眼的妙音歌后!她专业敬业、乐观坚强、率直可爱!可以青春活力、个性前卫、也可性感“女人味”,@容祖儿 @我是歌手  O《我是歌手》妙音歌后容祖儿

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