。。。。。。Super Mary

There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are

There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

My Heart Will Go On - Kenny G


《My Heart Will Go On》爱情 不用翻译;浪漫 无须言语;因为Kenny G(肯尼·基),流行音乐史上最畅销的演奏艺人,钟爱亚洲,特别收录王力宏“唯一”与刘德华“你是我的女人”,31首当代畅销演奏曲,超过两个半小时的美丽时光,肯尼吉的萨克斯风魅力,全面征服你我的浪漫天地!1997 年卖座电影《Titanic》主题曲,肯尼吉用萨克斯风超越时空的不朽经典。

Kenny G(肯尼·基)1956年6月5日出生于美国西雅图, 是全球最著名的高音萨克斯风名家,出道以来,Kenny G(肯尼·基)总计创造了九张称霸全美当代爵士榜冠军并打进流行专辑榜 TOP10 的专辑,拥有24首抒情榜 TOP40 单曲,历年的专辑、单曲、音乐录影带的累积销售也已冲破7500万张,他是流行音乐史上最畅销的演奏曲艺人,同时也是当代最畅销的爵士乐乐手。Kenny G(肯尼·基)的非凡才华为他赢得了葛莱美奖、全美音乐奖、灵魂列车奖与世界音乐奖。

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